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第1篇 關于黃山導游詞







第2篇 關于黃山導游詞












首先讓我來簡單介紹一下黃山。黃山位于安徽省南部,南北約有40公里,東西約30公里,總面積約有1200平方公里。黃山非常美麗,尤其那“四絕”更是美不勝收。首先來說黃 山奇松吧。大家可能會問:“黃山的松樹有什么奇特的?長在什么地方?讓我來告訴你,黃山的奇松長在石縫里都有頑強的 生命力,而且郁郁蔥蔥,生機勃勃。著名的還有迎客松、臥龍松、黑虎松、龍爪松、連理松……它們都因為形狀得名,你說能不奇嗎!








第3篇 關于黃山導游詞




黃山的美,首先就美在它的奇峰。這里競秀,峰峰稱奇,各有特色,各具神韻。其中蓮花峰最高(1864米),光明頂次之(1841米),天都峰排行老三(1829.5米),這三大峰和風姿獨秀始信峰(1683米),是黃山的朋友,哪怕 登上這四座奇峰中的一個,也算不虛此行了。 黃山的美更美在“四絕”。






第4篇 關于黃山導游詞

































第5篇 關于黃山導游詞


hello! i am the guide from today - it took the job, one hour of time, we have already came to the world-famous mount huangshan scenic spot. there are many beautiful places of interest, very worth to come to sightseeing.

huangshan mountain is located in the south of china in anhui province, belong to the part of the nanling mountains, the whole area of about 1200 square kilometers. interruption of huangshan mountains, is the essence of huangshan part, that is what we want to browse the huangshan scenic area, the area of about 154 square kilometers. it in huangshan city, south rapidly, huizhou area, hugh zhengning county and yi_ian county, huangshan mountain in the north area; these five counties and districts also belong to the jurisdiction of the huangshan city.

huangshan has a magical legend. it before the tang dynasty in china called yi mountain, yi is black, because the mountain rocks, green black and blue black, the ancients gave it a name. regulus legends we chinese in the first race at the completion of the central plains of the yellow emperor unified employment. start after the chinese civilization, herb gathering here an alchemist, in the hot spring bathing, thus be immortal. the famous tang dynasty emperor ming huang lung-chi lee very believe this, just under the tianbao si_ years (74_) a rescript, will yi renamed to huangshan mountain, does it mean, is this mountain is the mountain of the yellow emperor. since then, has been to huangshan this name now, you got it.

below, i put the "four unique" huangshan to do a presentation, respectively.

speak of the "four unique" huangshan, in the first, of course, is loose. huangshan pines are first in its very tenacious vitality, you have seen without surprise. say commonly, wherever there is soil can grow plants and crops, and huangshan is comes from the hard stone huang gang steadily. huangshan pine growing everywhere, they peak, long long cliffs, long valley in the mountains, lush, full of vitality.

odd rocks, constitute the huangshan scenic landscape and a "perfect". in huangshan everywhere can see strange form strange rocks, the rock looks different, some like, some like things, some reflects some of the myths and legends and historical stories, lifelike, vivid and interesting. known in about 121 stone, there are higher up the "flying stone", "fairy playing chess", "magpie on mei", ", "the monkey view sea"...

some of these rocks have a plenty of a monster, kit kat and e_quisite; some independent into a scene; have a plenty of several combination or with pine combined together into a scene.

besides, the sea of clouds. although other famous mountains in china also can see the sea of clouds, but no one can be comparable to huangshan sea of clouds as spectacular and infinite change.

about it is for this reason, huangshan mountain has another name, called huangshan sea. this is not a vain, has a history for sign. ming dynasty renowned one local chronicles, called pan zhiheng, lived in huangshan for decades, wrote a 60 volumes process book, huangshan mountain, called it "the yellow sea. some of huangshan scenic spots, hotels and many landscape named, is associated with this special "sea", if some landscape view in the sea of clouds, will appear more real, more lasting appeal. these are all proved that the name "yellow sea" is worthy of the name.

it's getting late, let's go back! hope you have the chance ne_t time, i will service for you. thank you all!

第6篇 關于黃山導游詞



the strange pines,absurd stones, sea of clouds and hot springs are the four wonders of mt. huangshan.

strange pines

huangshan pines are seen in every corner of mt. huangshan. you will be amazed by their vitality and strength. the seeds fall into the crevices where they take root and grow with great vigor. the uneven terrain prevents the pines from growing upright. instead they become crooked and even downward. another feature of huangshan pines is that many trees grow branches on one side only. the pines grow very slowly due to the poor soil and climatic conditions. a tree less than 3 meters (9.84feet) high may have grown for over one hundred years or even several hundred years. the root of a pine is several times or several dozens times longer than the trunk, therefore huangshan pines stand firmly with dignity, withstanding wind and rain. every pine is unique though: guest-greeting pine (in front of the stone lion of the jade screen pavilion in the jade screen scenic area), guest-goodbye pine (to the right of the jade screen pavilion), cushion pine at lotus valley, phoeni_ pine at the sky sea, chessboard pine at pingtian stone bridge, kylin pine between bei hai hotel and the refreshing terrace, black tiger pine and sea e_ploring pine are among the most famous ones.



friends, hello!

now our already arrived the huangshan mountain scenic spot southernregion strategic place soup mouth. first introduces the huangshanmountain scenery in here to you the survey.

huangshan mountain, is located south the chinese anhui province, isthe chinese nanling sierra the part, entire mountain areaappro_imately 1,200 square kilometers. the huangshan mountain mountainsystem center-section, is huangshan mountain's essence are partial,also huangshan mountain scenic spot which must tour on us, areaappro_imately 154 square kilometers. it within the boundaries ofhuangshan mountain city, south neighbour she county, huizhou area,_iuning county and yi _ian, north continually yellow mountainous area;these five counties, the area also all belong to the huangshanmountain city jurisdiction.

huangshan mountain in chinese tang dynasty before is called 黟 themountain, 黟 is the black appearance, because on the mountain therock blue black is blue black, the ancient gives it such name. thefable we chinese race's ancestor shaft yellow emperor in completes thearea south of yellow river to unify after industry, founds the chinesecivilization, arrives here to pick the medicine to build up dan, takesa bath in the hot spring, thus obtains enlightenment the immortal.tang dynasty renowned emperor ming huangli the prosperous basee_tremely will believe this view, (747 years) has gotten downtogether the imperial edict in day valuable si_ years, 黟 the mountain willchange name huangshan mountain. the meaning is, this mountain isyellow emperor's mountain. from then on, huangshan mountain this nameone until now.

the friends, you are not far thousand, even wan lidao here, must lookat huangshan mountain with own eyes the america? not is must feel atime of life to be joyful? yes, huangshan mountain is certainlybeautiful certainly beautiful, may say the day wonderful mountain, canascend a height to get a broad view it, has a look it with own eyes,truly is a life big happy event. before the very long long time, inthe long geologic history generation, the nature infinite strength,has molded the huangshan mountain that certainly beautiful elegantdemeanour and all sorts of unusual landscapes very much, makes onefall, is elated.

huangshan mountain's america, first on beautifully in its high peak.here competes _iu, feng feng e_presses admiration, respectively hasthe characteristic, each charm. the huangshan mountain high peak hashow many, but also does not have an accurate numeral. in the historysuccessively names has 36 big peaks, 36 small peaks, recent years alsohad 10 famous peaks to be selected "the huangshan mountain will". thismore than 80 mountain peaks high overwhelming majority above theelevation kilometer, lotus flower peak is all highest (1,864 meters),the light goes against is ne_t (1,841 meters), the day all peak rankold three (1829.5 meters), these three big peaks and the graceful bearingoutstanding beginning letter peak (1,683 meters), are huangshanmountain's friends, even if mounts in these four high peaks, alsocalculated no empty this 行.

under, i "four certainly" separately make again huangshan mountain anintroduction.

said huangshan mountain "four certainly", arranges at first working asis the wonderful pine. yellow pinus montana wonderfully in what place?first is wonderfully in it does not have compared to obstinate strong vitality, you saw have had noalternative but to e_press admiration. generally said that, every hasthe earth the side to be able to leave the vegetation and the crops,but the yellow pine is long comes out from the hard yellow hillockrock. huangshan mountain everywhere all is growing the pine tree,their long peak, the long sheer precipice, is long in deep gully the glen,green and lu_uriant, full of vitality. since 1100, they were splitopen like this from the rock, the root deep deeply gripped in the rockseam, did not fear barren was arid, did not fear the wind and thundersleet, natural, unyielding. you can say is not wonderful? ne_t is,yellow pinus montana also wonderfully in it that unique naturalmodelling. from generally speaking, yellow pinus montana's needleshort and heavy dense, ye senong green, the trunk and branches tunelives, crown flat, appears one kind simply, steady, the vigorousimposing manner, but each pine tree, each pine tree, in theappearance, postureaccommodates, is mad in the rhyme, also is each every different,all some one kind of unusual america. the people according to them thedifferent shape and the charm, separately gave them to get up has beenappropriate from however the elegant interesting name, like received aguest the pine, the black tiger pine, liesdragon the pine, long zhuasong,searches korean pine, unity pine and so on. they are the huangshanmountain wonderful pine's representative.

the strange stone, is constitutes the huangshan mountain beautifulscenery one "certainly". everywhere all may see in huangshan mountainwonderful shape strange rock, these strange stone appearancesinfinitely varied, some picture people, some picture thing, some havethe reflection certain myth fables and the historical story, lifelike,vivid were all interesting. in 121 famous stones, well-knownnesshigher some having "fly the stone", "immortal play chess", "the magpieascend the plum", "the monkey view sea", "immortal e_pose to the sunthe boots", "the penglai three islands", "the golden rooster arecalled the fontanel" and so on. these strange stones have are thecolossi, some marvelous e_quisite; some independences become thescenery, some are several combinations or with the wonderful pineingenious knot synthesis scenery. also a strange stone because watchedthe position and the angle has changed, the appearance also had thechange, has become stone two scenery, if "the golden rooster wascalled the fontanel" also to call "five old heavens all", "the magpieto ascend the plum" also to be called "immortal to refer to the road"is moves step trades the scenery the reason. also some strangefactories, looked under the dissimilar condition, can produce cannotassociation, thus also had the different name, if "the monkey viewsea" also is called "the monkey to look peace" then is.

also cloud sea. although also can see the cloud sea in the chineseother mingshan, but does not have to be able compared to on thehuangshan mountain cloud sea such magnificent sight and fluctuatesinfinitely. probably is this reason, huangshan mountain also has othername, calls "yellow sea". this certainly to be sure claims withoutjustification, has the history for the card. the ming dynasty has therenowned annals scientist's to name be pan to be permanent, has livedfor several dozens years in huangshan mountain, wrote 60 volumes big部head book -- huangshan mountain mountain wills, the book title hascalled "yellow sea". huangshan mountain's some scenic areas, theguesthouse and the multitudinous landscape naming, all special "thesea" has the connection with this, some landscapes if watch in thecloud sea, can appear clearly, flavor also foot. these also all provedthat, "yellow sea" this name is worthy of the name.

finally, introduces the hot spring. our chang jiang and the tour hotspring is frontmountain huangshan mountain guesthouse hot spring, ancienttime calls the hot spring, gushes out from the purple pinnacle. hotspring scenic area names which with it, after enters the scenic areawhich the huangshan mountain south gate first arrives. hot springwater volume sufficient, the water temperature year to year maintainsabout 42, the water quality is good, and includes to the human bodybeneficial mineral substance, has the certain medical value, to theskin disease, the rheumatism and the digesting system disease, reallyhas the certain curative effect. but only can the bath, not be able todrink; crosses the cloud to say it may drink uses, is unscientific.

actually, the huangshan mountain hot spring continues. the slope folds嶂 under the peak north huangshan mountain, but also some hot spring,calls the loose valley hut, ancient name tin spring. it with shannan'sguesthouse hot spring contour interval 7.5 kilometers, elevation alsonear, the north and south are symmetrical, coordinate with each otheracross a great distance. this also sufficed wonderfully. but becauseit is situated remote at present not to develop the use.

besides "four certainly", huangshan mountain's waterfall, sunrise andsunset glow, also is e_tremely the magnificent sight and lovely.

huangshan mountain, shan gaobei is steep, the brook rushes from themountain canyon gushes out, flies from the steep valley clift fallswith, forms the waterfall. "in the mountain night of rain, everywherehangs flies the spring", is the huangshan mountain attentive vividportrayal. the huangshan mountain waterfall are very many, magnificenthaving "kowloon waterfall", "person character waterfall" and "ropemade of twisted bamboo strips waterfall".

huangshan mountain four seasons distinct: spring qingfeng dropgreen jade, thewild flower is brilliant; summer the cool piece, everywhere flies thewaterfall; autumn clear sky and fresh air, red leaves like rosy cloud;the cold winter is silverattireelementbinds, the ice sculpture jade builds.huangshan mountain truly is a traveling, the summer vacation, enjoysthe snow the e_ceedingly good destination.


of all the notable mountains in china, mount huangshan, to be found in the south of anhui province, is probably the most famous. originally known as mt. yishan it was renamed mt. huangshan in 747 ad in recognition of the legendary huang di, who was the reputed ancestor of the chinese people and who made magic pills for immortality here.

wu yue is the collective name given to china’s most important mountains, namely mt. taishan in shandong province, mt. huashan in shaan_i province, mt. hengshan in shan_i province, mt. songshan in henan province and mt. hengshan in hunan province. it is said that you won’t want to visit any other mountains after seeing wu yue but you won’t wish to see even wu yue after returning from mt. huangshan. this saying may give you some idea of the beauty and uniqueness of mt. huangshan. together with the yellow river, the yangtze river and the great wall, mt. huangshan has become one of the great symbols of china.

mt. huangshan can boast not only of its magnificence but also its abundant resources and great variety of zoological species, for which it has been listed as a world natural and cultural heritage site.

第7篇 關于黃山導游詞










第8篇 關于黃山導游詞








第9篇 關于黃山導游詞








第10篇 關于黃山導游詞











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