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發(fā)布時間:2024-05-04 15:00:02 查看人數(shù):38


第1篇 英語導游詞


everybody is good! welcome to the mogao grottoes of dunhuang. i'll give you a introduce myself: my name is wang yi, to you is my pleasure, i'm here to give you reminder, the treasure here do not touch, otherwise the consequence is proud. we now know each other, we will get to the point, talk about the mogao grottoes of dunhuang!

is the ancient silk road town of dunhuang. dunhuang mogao grottoes treasured art treasures is the treasure of the chinese and foreign exchange. people called the mogao grottoes in gansu a pearl. dunhuang mural image lifelike, especially: "flying" pattern, you see, this is what i call the "flying". also by the tang dynasty people hailed as "day float in the sky, full wall pneumatic", become the symbol of dunhuang murals. dunhuang mogao grottoes is within the territory of mogao grottoes of dunhuang city, gansu province is the floorboard of the west thousand-buddha grottoes, is one of china's famous four big grottoes, also is the world's most ambitious scale of existing, the best-preserved buddhist art treasure house. mogao grottoes mainly reflects in the aspect of mural, here is the mural to the mogao grottoes is famous for. now everybody's understanding about it? i'm going to continue to speak!

everybody look at here! to go to the learning attitude. foreign tourists to the evaluation of the mogao grottoes, is: "see the mogao grottoes in dunhuang, is equivalent to see the ancient civilizations in the world." "the mogao grottoes is the world's longest, largest and most abundant content gallery." "it is existing the greatest treasure of buddhist art in the world." "human life must go to a place, mural painting and the art of figure of buddha is really impressive."

my explanation to this end, i wish you all a pleasant journey!

第2篇 英語導游詞




good morning ladies and gentlemen:

my name is __. i’m very honored to be youre guide. i do hope all of you could like my guiding and enjoy everything on your pleasant day. this morning we are going to visit the summer palace. the summer palace is located on the northwest suburbs of beijing, about 20 kilometers away from the center of the city. so it will take us about 1 hour to get there. before we arrived at the summer palace, i would like to introduce you a brief introduction of the woderful imperial garden. the summer palace is the most beautiful and the largest imperial garden e_isting in chinan, and it is the best-preserved imperial garden in the world. in 1998, it was placed on the list of world cultural heritage by the unesco.

the summer palace was first built as an imperial garden at the beginning of 12th century in the jin dynasty. the construction continued to the yuan and ming dynasties. in the qing dynasty, the building of imperial gardens reached its culmination. during emperor qianlong’s reign, the famous ‘three hills and five gardens’ were built on the northwest suburbs of beijing. the summer palace was a part of it and at that time was called the garden of clear ripples. in 1860, the anglo-french allied forces invaded beijing. the ‘three hills and five gardens’ were burnt down to ashes.

in 1888, the empress dowager ci_i spent the navy fund having the garden of clear ripples rebuilt. and then she renamed it the garden of nurtured harmony (summer palace).

in 1900, the allied forces of eight powers invaded beijing. the summer palace was once again severely damaged. it was rebuilt again in 1902.

in 1924, the last emperor puyi was driven out of the palace, after that, the summer palace was turned into a public park.

ladies and gentlemen, please look over there, in front of us is an archway. it is called “emptiness and the collection of e_cellence”, and it is the first scenery of the summer palace. the two chinese words on the front side of the archway mean emptiness and refer to everything in nature and in the scenery. the two words on the back side mean collection of e_cellence and refer to the tranquility of the beautiful scenery just within the garden.

(outside the east palace gate)

now, we have arrived at the east palace gate. it’s the main entrance of the summer palace. on top of the gate there is a plaque with three chinese characters ‘the summer palace’ in emperor guang_u’s handwriting. the gate that we are now entering was used by the emperor, the empress only in the old days.

(inside the east palace gate)

now we are inside the summer palace. in front of us is the second gate of the summer palace— the gate of benevolence and longevity. the anne_ halls on both sides were used for officials on duty and the offices of the privy council. well, before we start our tour in the garden, i will briefly introduce you the layout of the summer palace and our tour route. o.k., ladies and gentlemen, may i have your attention please? let’s look at the map together, from it we can see the summer palace covers an area of 290 hectares, which the lake occupies the three-fourths. the whole garden can be divide into three parts: the area was for political activities, resting places of the emperor and empress, and sightseeing areas. our tour will start from the area of the political activities, and end off the marble boat. on the way, we will visit the main constructions of the summer palace, such as the hall of jade ripples, the hall of happiness and longevity, the long corridor, the hall of dispelling clouds and so on. it will take us about two hours to visit the summer palace. please attention, we won’t walk back and our driver will pick us up at the north gate. should you get lost or separated from the group, please meet us at the north gate.

ok, everyone, let’s start our tour from the emperors’ office --- the hall of benevolence and longevity. follow me please.

(inside the courtyard of the benevolence and longevity)

passing through the gate of benevolence and longevity, we have already entered the courtyard of the hall of benevolence and longevity. the huge rock in front of us is taihu rock. it was quarried from taihu lake in jiangsu province, so it was known as taihu rock. please look around the courtyard and you can see there are four grotesque shaped rocks placed in each corner of this courtyard, representing the four seasons of the year. the taihu rocks are usually used as decoration for beautifying gardens and they are thin, crease, leak and penetration in characters.

the bronze mythical animal behind the taihu rock is known as suanni or some people call it qilin. according to ancient chinese mythology, the dragon had nine sons, but none of them became a real dragon. suanni was one of the nine sons of the dragon. it was an auspicious animal that could avoid evil spirits in ancient lengeds. suanni has the head of dragon, the antlers of dear, the hooves of o_ and the tail of lion.

(in front of the hall of benevolence and longevity)

this grand hall is the hall of benevolence and longevity. it was first built in 1750. the name of this hall taken from a book entitled ‘lun yu’ by confucius doctrine means, “ those who are benevolent can enjoy a long life.” this hall was the place where emperor guang_u and empress dowager ci_i held audience and handled state affairs when they were in the summer palace. for protecting the historical cultural relic, we couldn’t enter the hall. so i would like to briefly introduce you the decorations in the hall of benevolence and longevity. the arrangement of the hall has been left untouched. in the middle of the hall stands an emperor’s throne carved with nine dragons on design. there are two big fans on both sides behind the throne which are made of peacock feathers. behind the throne there is a big screen with red sandalwood frame and glass mirror inlaid. on the mirror there are 226 chinese characters of the word ‘longevity’ written in different styles. there are two scrolls on each side of the wall with a big chinese character ‘longevity’ written on it. it was said that the word ‘longevity’ written by empress dowager ci_i. there are 100 bats painted at the background of the scroll symbolizing happiness.

well, please look up the two pairs of incense burners in the shape of a dragon and a phoeni_ in front of the hall. they were used to burn incense sticks to create the appropriate atmosphere. in the old days, the dragon and phoeni_ were the symbol of the emperor and empress. according to ritual, the dragons should be placed in the center while phoeni_es were to either side in front of the hall.however, here, the dragons are off to the sides and the phoeni_es are in the middle. this was a product of the end of qing dynasty when empress dowager ci_i handled state affairs behind the screen.

(at the entrance of garden of virtuour harmony)

we are now visiting the garden of virtuous harmony, where emperor qianlong and empress dowager ci_i were entertained with bejing opera performances. it mainly consists of the dressing house, the grand theater building and the hall of pleasure smile. the grand theater building was known as the ‘cradle of beijing opera’ was uniquely laid out and magnificently decorated. there are 7 e_hibition halls with articles of daily use on display here.

(in front of the grand theater building)

this is the grand theater building. of the three main theater buildings of the qing dynasty, the grand theater building is the tallest and largest one. the other two are changyin pavilion in the forbidden city and qingyin pavilion in the mountain resort in chengde. the grand theater building, a three-storied structure, has a double roof with upturned eaves. it is 21 meters high and 17 meters wide. performances could be staged simultaneously on three levels. the top one was a symbol of happiness, the middle level was emolument level and the bottom stage was named longevity stage. each level has the entrance and the e_it. there are some trapdoors in the ceiling and below the floor for ‘celestial being’ to fly down from the sky and the ‘devils’ to appear from the earth to set off a certain atmosphere on the stage. there is also a well and five ponds built under the stage for a good effect of water scenes. the stage is open to three sides.

well, please look at the construction that stands right opposite the grand theater building, it’s the hall of pleasure smile. the empress dowager ci_i used bo sit inside the hall to watch and enjoy the peking opera.

(a lakeside walk from the garden of virtuous harmony to the hall of jade ripples)

we are now standing in the middle of a rockery behind the hall of benevolence and longevity. it appears that there’s nothing special ahead. however, after we clear the rockery, we will reach kunming lake. this is an application of a specific style of chinese


now, we are walking along the bank of the kunming lake. look over there, not far away in the lake there is an islet. it’s called the spring heralding islet. the pavilion on the islet is called the spring heralding pavilion. a number of willow trees and peach trees were planted on this islet. in early spring, when the ice begins to melt, peach trees are red in pink blossoms, willow trees turn a tender green signaling that the early spring has returned. hence the name ‘heralding sping pavilion’.

(in front of the hall of jade ripples)

this group of special and quiet courtyard dwellings is the hall of jade ripples. the words “jade ripples” came from a verse “gentle ripples gushing out of jade spring”, which refers to the rippling water in the lake. it was first used by emperor qianlong to attend to state affairs. in the late qing dynasty, it was where emperor guang_u was put under house arrest.

this hall is a hallmark of the movement of 1898. emperor guang_u was emperor dowager ci_i’s nephew. after emperor tongzhi died, emperor dowager ci_i made her nephew, who was at that time four years old a successor in order to continue her hold on imperial power. she ‘handled state affairs behind the screen’. after emperor guang_u ‘managed state affairs personally’ at the age of 19, a political conflict occurred between the conservatives and the reformers. in 1898, the reform movement took place with the aim of sustaining the core principles of the qing dynasty while reforming outdated laws. the movement lasted for103 days until it was suppressed by empress dowager ci_i. it was called the ‘hundred-day reform’. after the reform failed, emperor guang_u was put under house arrest here. for the strict control of him, empress dowager ci_i ordered to build many brick walls in the front, back, and on the right and left of the hall of jade ripples. at that time the hall was entirely sealed up, just like a prison. today only the hidden walls in the east and west anne_ room still maintain its original appearance. it is open to visitors as the relic related to the 1898 reform movement.

(in front of the chamber of collecting books)

this is the chamber of collecting books. in chinese, it’s called “yi yun guang”. “yun” was a kind of fragrant weed. in ancient times, it was usually used as termite repellent in rooms where books were stored.in the emperor qianlong’s reign, the purpose of the hall was for collecting books. later it was converted into a residence. there used to be the residence of guang_u’s empress longyu, and his favorite concubine zhenfei.

(in the hall of happiness and longevity)

this group of courtyard is the hall of happiness and longevity. it was the major architectural structure in the living quarters and the residence of empress dowager ci_i. the whole compound was basically made of wood, which is ideal for ventilation and lighting. with its quiet and tasteful layout, the hall of happiness and longevity made life very easy and convenient. in front of the hall of happiness and longevity there is a huge rock placed in the middle of this courtyard named “qing zhi _iu” and nicknamed as “family bankruptcy rock”. this huge rock was discovered in fangshan district by a ming official mi wanzhong. he wanted to transport it to his own garden “shaoyuan”. in the old days, transporting such rock was very difficult. after spending all his money to ship it, he still could not succeed in doing this. the big rock was then left on the roadside somewhere near liang_iang county, 30 kilometers southwest of beijing. hence it was nicknamed “family bancruptcy rock”. later emperor qianlong discovered it and transported to the garden of clear ripples and laid in front of the hall of happiness and longevity. the colorful glass chandeliers hanging inside the hall was introduced from germany in 1903. it is one of the earliest electric lights in china.

(in front of the gate of inviting the moon of the long corridor)

ladies and gentlemen, you may have visited some of the best museums in the world, such as the louvre in france and the museum of great britain. now i will show you a special gallery in the palace—the long corridor. in 1990, the long corridor was listed in the guinness book of world records as ‘the longest painted corridor’ in the world’. it would be a pity if we leave the summer palace without visiting the long corridor and the marble boat. now, here we go, the long corridor first!

(strolling along the long corridor)

the long corridor starts from the gate inviting the moon to the shizhang gate. it is 728 meters long and consists of 273 sections. the long corridor is one of the major structures of the summer palace. since the corridor was designed to follow the physical features of the southern slope of longevity hill, four multiple-eaved, octagonal pavilions ( retaining the goodness pavilion, living with the ripples pavilion, autumn water pavilion, clear and far pavilion) were placed at bends and undulation, they represent four seaons of a year. thus visitors will hardly notice the rise and fall of the terrain. as a major part of the architectural style of the summer palace, the long corridor serves as an ingenious connector between the lake and the hill. scattered buildings on the southern slope were linked to create a unified comple_.

the long corridor is the longest covered veranda in any chinese garden. on the purlins and beams of the covered veranda, there are over 14,000 suzhou style paintings. among them, there are 546 color paintings relating to the scenes of west lake in hangzhou, zhejiang province. beside the colorful paintings of natural scenery, there are also scenes of flowers, birds, fish, insects, mythology and figures. the paintings of figures are mainly adapted from ancient chinese classical literature, such as ‘pilgrimage to the west’, ‘the romance of the three kingdoms’, ‘the western chamber’, “water margin’, and ‘the dream of the red mansion’.

(in front of the gate of dispelling clouds)

now we are approaching the central part of the structures on the lakeside slope, the tower of buddhist incense within the hall of dispelling clouds. the central a_is line starts from the wharf ne_t to the lake to the sea of wisdom on top of the hill. the main architectural structures here are the gate of dispelling clouds, hall of dispelling clouds, tower of buddhist incense and the sea of wisdom, which altogether form a splendid three-dimensional landscape. the layout of this group of architectures was based on scenes described in buddhist sutras. this group of structures are among the most magnificently constructed here in the summer palace. this is a good place to taking photos, we will stay here for about 15 minutes.

now we are walking continuely along the long corridor, the ne_t scene we are going to visit is marble boat.

look over there! halfway up the slope there stands the hall of listening to orioles. it was the place for emperor and empress to enjoy opera and court music. it is said the singing of orioles is very pleasing. before the garden of virtuous harmony was built, empress dowager ci_i enjoyed opera and music here. now the hall is one of the most famous restaurants in china, featuring imperial dishes and desserts.

this is the famous marble boat. a famous scientist of china’s eastern han dynasty once said, “water can float the boat, but it can also tip it over.” a prime minister of tang dynasty wei zheng once used these words to persuade li shimin, the emperor of the tang dynasty. he said people are water and the emperor is the boat. people can support a good emperor. however, they also can overthrow the dynasty. emperor qianlong built this huge boat in the garden in order to make the allusion concrete. on one hand, emperor qianlong encouraged himself to run the country well. on the other hand, he wanted to show that his rule of the qing dynasty was as firm as the marble boat and there was no fear of overturning the boat. the marble boat was the place for emperor qianlong to sample tea and enjoy the scenery of kunming lake. emperor qianlong once came here to engage in the freeing of captive animals. in the times of qianlong, the marble boat was a chinese styled stone boat with a chinese style wooden superstructure on the top of it. when it was rebuilt in the times of guang_u, a foreign and chinese elements mi_ed resulting in two wheels to be added to the boat, one on each side. the floor was paved with colored bricks. all of the windows were inlaid with multiple-colored glass. a big mirror was installed on the superstructure for viewing rain.

our tour is drawing to a close after we visited the marble boat. today we only visited the major scenic spots of the summer palace. i have left other spots of interest for your ne_t visit. i will now show you out through the ruyi gate. our coach is waiting for us outside the gate. i do hope you enjoyed today’s tour. thank you.

第3篇 英語導游詞




paris, the capital of the french republic, historical and cultural city, one of the world's most bustling metropolis.

a history of 20__ years, as the capital of france also has more than 800 years, is an ancient capital city

and there is a beautiful name - huadu

but the meaning of the "flower" is not the flowers, it is the "romantic".

paris is the city of real flowers. call it "flower". whether it is on the table, on the balcony, in the yard, or in front of the window, the street, people's arms, eyeful is blooming flowers, into_icating fragrance filled the air. and those colorful flower blossoms and park, is to let people linger. this is a city with a history of more than 20__ years.

compared to its reputation as a "romantic" in paris, i felt more "flowers" this title is more appropriate, because it implies the diversity of the city. indeed, one thousand people in the face of paris, as in the face of one thousand different paris. noble, broad, solemn and quiet, energetic, and dissension, different people will have different feelings.

paris city covers an area of 105 square kilometers, with seven provinces around it, and constitute a greater, covers an area of 120__ square kilometers, about more than 1000 people, this is western europe metropolis. the towering eiffel tower, resplendent and magnificent palace of versailles, solemn arc de triomphe, world famous notre dame de paris, etc., attracts tourists from all over the world come.

paris, the famous landscape in addition to the eiffel tower, the arc de triomphe, the louvre ` notre dame de paris, there are more than 70 museums, numerous scenic spots and historical sites, the church square, if want to savor, 1 year is not enough.

regardless of the other, say first paris... !

notre dame de paris is located in the centre of paris on the seine cite, was founded in 1163, is the archbishop of paris, maurice de sully decided to build, the whole church was completed in 1345, lasted more than 180 years.

once had many great ceremony held here, such as read winning the second world war in 1945 hymns, and such as france's president, general de gaulle's funeral in 1970. notre dame de paris is a stone building in the world history of architecture, known as the level of large stone symphony. although this is a religious building, but its flashing the french people's wisdom, reflect people's pursuit and yearning for a better life.


through the window, everything was silent, silent in the milky light mist. the fog, gently, as if between people, things and things with a layer of soft veils, and like rain from the sky in a thick and wide big curtain. became a blur the line of sight, there are only a few comings and goings of vehicles. sometimes a few double loom glittering slowly close to the "big eyes", while, it disappeared in the soft fog.

slowly, a clear mysterious river appeared in front of our eyes. a gust of wind blowing, the river is dimpled one full of life, from a small round of e_pansion, gradually e_pand...

this is the world-famous river seine. although it is not the nile long; no stream clear; not the blue like the sea. but, you always have others no efforts; you have not seen any other style; you didn't always e_perienced others e_perience wind and rain; you have not seen others' success. every one has its own specialty, every thing has its own light. is the same as the seine river, it has the shore is the most beautiful, most of the scenery.

don't you know the seine ivor near the eiffel tower? don't you know the thirty-si_ bridge on the river seine? don't you know the seine at the side of the louvre? don't you know the seine at the side of the arc de triomphe? don't you know the seine beside the harmony of the square? don't you know the seine near champs elysees? don't you know...

yes, the seine also has its own window. you see, ivor eiffel tower solemnly stood beside the seine, straighten the waist, eyes scanning the surrounding. because, the earth to its highest in paris, the strong body, good let it better to protect the seine her graceful posture, so it moment constantly stick to his post.

you see, notre dame de paris tightly nestled beside the seine, solemn told us a story for thousands of years of wind and frost. oh, even the little angel could not help but quietly sat on his shoulder, myself being naughty, quietly listening to the endless aftertaste endless history.

you see, the seine 36 children naughty and stood in the middle of the river, one leg on the left bank, another leg on the right bank. they make friends on both sides of the comings and goings, provide people with convenient, let the flowers of friendship are full of on both sides, make happy flowers float in all directions, let the pairs of lovers in the far away. far away. the bridge under the blessing of happiness forever.

you see, a giant crystal embedded in the square, with a blue ripples, as if a with a twinkle in her eyes, and like a transparent pyramids in egypt. people like the ants moving, surrounded around it. yes, this is the louvre museum, having infinite treasure here, here is the heaven of the collector; is the treasure house of photography fans; arcadia is painting a picture enthusiasts. here is the chinese and foreign famous mona lisa, here is the man brokeback venus ", there is famous, the goddess of victory, there is a household name "scream", there are well-known chinese and foreign the eternity of time... and so on famous works.

you see, the arch of a giant stands in the square, filled with bloody names on the arch, some still under the name painted lines alarming crawly horizontal line. the name is the name of all the soldiers, the following names scratched dash is died. yes, this is the arc de triomphe, as napoleon series of victory in the war, 1806-1806 by pierre francois that dan and le bair blanchard west of design, construction. looking at the arc de triomphe, like i pictured in the battlefield, the blood of the pieces of red flowers blooming the slaughter of the battlefield.

you see, a tree-lined road runs through paris, france famous attractions, as if she is the soul of paris, and a look, she is like a bond, connect the great big small places of the ancient land. sometimes she over the air force fleet formation flying over the street, the plane jet blue bai gongsan color smoke, sometimes above the arc de triomphe the searchlight shot blue, white, red three color light, hand in photograph reflect with the bright lights of the street. her from the arc de triomphe, east to place de la concorde. the most chic is in her 700 meters on both sides of a tree-lined avenue, there is a in place of leisure. in green trees and green basket, charactizing a fine spring day, is the figure of the fragrance place to draw attention of the world. however, she is wonderful, beautiful avenue in the paper was originally for rural paradise. with the moving of the bus, the passage of time, a day in the past. slowly, the sun is more and more close to the river, from time to time, to go to the other side of the earth. my thoughts down the river, with the hope for tomorrow, slowly flow to the distance...


in paris, i deeply feel the charm of it. the eiffel tower is attractive. the eiffel tower is the symbol of paris.

the tower is all made of steel. it stands on the right bank of the seine mars square in the centre of the city. about a dozen stories tall. on the third floor, i can have a bird's eye view panoramic view of paris. the place de la concorde is attractive. the square of the area is larger than two wulin square. in the middle of the square there was a huge fountain. the fountain is busy work. i want to splash water must be very cool. fountain is surrounded by flower beds, flowers are colorful, trim trees very neatly, grass green, and is very smooth, like a green blanket. the seine is attractive.

the seine in the tower under the soles of the feet, it is flowing quietly, like a green ribbon around paris. driving the stars boat over the river. it is with the visitors to watch the beautiful scenery on both sides. the louvre is also attractive. give a person a kind of momentum into the louvre, resplendent and magnificent feeling. at the top is lifelike giant oil painting, carving beside the golden statue. here has a famous statue of venus brokeback.

you see her grave, ancient greek white dress stared at the front. also has a leonardo da vinci is famous mona lisa, painted the mona lisa smile is so peaceful, so sweet. and egypt's collection, one collection is so delicate, so realistic.

第4篇 英語導游詞




welcome to the bai causeway! i am your tour guide, my name is _, you can call me little _. for a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

bai causeway formerly known as white sand dam, built for the case-dough water to irrigate their fields. old with sand ground, today has been changed to asphalt pavement. as early as one thousand years ago in the tang dynasty, famous for its beautiful landscapes. people thought that the dam was presided over bai juyi building, call it bai causeway. actually when former hangzhou secretariat of bai juyi, near the old outside a qiantang shi hanqiao built a dam, known as the white male dam, now has no trace to be found. bai causeway known today, although with bai juyi host bai causeway is not in a position of the building, but as a reminder of the hangzhou people made outstanding contributions in hangzhou in "the old mayor", is named bai causeway.

bai causeway formerly known as "white sand dam", is the tie that will be connected to the scenic spot of hangzhou, east "broken bridge can _ue", the brocade belt to the west, in "the foundation", long about 2 in. in tang dynasty is called white sand dike, sand dikes, in song and ming also called isolated hill road, shijin pond.

secretariat of the tang dynasty poet bai juyi of hangzhou from time to tome did: "love koto line is insufficient, green yang yinli white sand dike." namely the dike. later generations to commemorate the poet, known as bai causeway.

bai causeway wide, clear, by the lake density weeping willows, the outer is all kinds of peach blossom, looking back to the mountains with green, the lake tubi, such as in the middle. every april willow green narrow leaves with soft switch is the wind dancing dancing on the lake, willow branches fluttering down into the lake. weeping willows and lake to let a person feel the perfect harmony of nature and love.

bai causeway scenery, four seasons: spring peach _ia liu, autumn winter snow, guang_i is a unique style.

第5篇 英語導游詞


ladies, gentlemen:

today we are going to tour the scenic spot is the yellow fruit treewaterfall. the yellow fruit tree waterfall is china first in thewaterfall, also is in the world one of in admiration of somebody'sfame big waterfalls. in november, 1982, e_amined and appr oved afterthe people's republic of china state council, the yellow fruit treewaterfall has been listed as the national key scenery scenic spotarea.

the yellow fruit tree waterfall is apart from the provincial capitalguiyang 137 kilometers, is located west guizhou province townninghsien and guanling county bordering on place hits the nation riverbranch the clear water river bank. rides in a carriage from guiyang tothe yellow fruit tree, appro_imately needs about for a half hour thetime.

the yellow fruit tree big waterfall already arrived, you looked, thiswas already the known far and wide chinese first big waterfall.

the yellow fruit tree waterfall height 68 meters, in the waterfall thewaterfall 6 meters, alwayshigh 74 meters, the width 81 meters, the summerfall flood rises suddenly in addition, waterfall like yellow river butactually leans, the cliff trembles, valley bangthunder, about ten miles,also can hear to its roaring; as a result of the fluent formidableimpulse, the mist which splashes may fill the air above severalhundred meters, causes to be situated the border and the downtownwhich the cliff goes against left side of the waterfall frequently themist which splashes is covered. the tourist says it "the silver rainto sprinkle the golden street". the winter the water is spring small,the waterfall then divides into 35 to go against from the shorehangs down, looks by far, that pure white shui lianpiao however under,raises sprinkles, if silk fabrics dances in the breeze, if theimmortal flutters lifts, like virtuous young woman gauze…… . for several hundred years, the yellow fruit tree waterfall grandappearance continuously e_claimed in surprise for many writersscholars. the qing dynasty guizhou renowned calligrapher, "summerpalace" three characters topic volume yan yinliang in "looks theantithetical couplet which the pavilion on the water" the topicwrites: "the clear water like cotton and kapok, does not need the bowto bow cotton wool self-scattering. the sunset glow resembles thebrocade, he _usuo weaves the day production ", was the image butvividly summarized the yellow fruit tree waterfall grand scenery.

now, we arrived the waterfall dropping place —— rhinoceros deep pool.under water this deep pool because the fable bright rhinoceros hidesacquires fame. has the god rhinoceros, nobody has seen, but the deeppool water mystical is profound, until now still, any person settlesdown nearby the deep pool, can recollectionsassociationflies fast. the drizzle which whenthe cloudless day morning 10 now and then about 4 pm, as a result ofthe sunlight refraction, you also may penetrate waterfall impactsplash, saw raise the seven colors of the spectrum rainbow from thedeep deep pool, cause your fresh grand appearance to be unparalleled,feeling of the gorgeous illustrious day.

why does this waterfall give a name is called the yellow fruit treewaterfall, what waterfalls but isn't called other other? according tothe folklore, is because nearby the waterfall on has big huang jueshu,according to the local voice, and "the fruit" the pronunciationis same, therefore the people on the custom called it yellow fruittree, this is one view. also some one view, nearby the fable very longbefore waterfall farmers all liked planting the yellow fruit, nearbythe waterfall on have a big yellow orchard, therefore on called thiswaterfall it the yellow fruit tree waterfall.

other famous big waterfalls compare with the world in, the yellowfruit tree big waterfall although does not have the african victoriabig waterfall, a north america nepal asia carat big waterfall, thevenezuelan anheer big waterfall like that broad, profound and isgrand, but, the yellow fruit tree big waterfall is innate it unusuallyplace, it is in the world occupies the karst area in the waterfall,also is the magnificent waterfall. this big waterfall on the pictureis together the strange magnet, in its ground, underground, aquatic,in the water also is adsorbing a succession of abundant posturegraceful view. most mysterious, is hides in the big waterfall halfwaycliff porch cavern, because outside hole caneradish climbsattaches, shui guazhucurtain, therefore says "shui liandong". this is in the world otherbig waterfall no unusual landscapes.

ladies, gentlemen, "shui liandong" already arrived, this shui liandongthe span 134 meters, it by 6 holes windows, 3 stocks vauclusian springand 6 channels is composed. according to the chinese myth storyreorganization large-scale tv serial "monkey" center shui liandong aplay, is here photographs.

this is the first hole window, its position lowest, to rhinoceros deeppool water surface only 40 meters, but hole window then is mostspacious, some several meters widths, position when first, twowaterfalls, big water two waterfalls cheng shuilian, completely sealsup the hole window; the water hour then the grading pulls open, isdifferent, pities the picture to be allowed at will opensgathers the windowblind from several meters to several meters.

this is the second hole window, it leaves about the first hole windowonly 4 meters. this is a quiet world, is known as the crystal palace.it is shui liandong heart is partial, length 11 meters, height 9meters, width 3 meters. the roadside has a water seepage, limpid isbright, the water elder maintains at a water level. the hole goesagainst is being hanging many clockbreaststone, clockbreaststone on also has theprecious curl stone in mai ganzhuang. on the hole wall also is hanginginnumerable shi man, the stone curtain.

this is the threehole window, it to outsidesuddenly, likes the balcony very much.this hole window has 1 meter high, 3 meter long, outside encircles hasthe guard rail, the tourist stands behind the guard rail may put out ahand to trace the waterfall, therefore the people here called it"traces waterfall".

ladies, gentlemen, now we must tour the landscape is the rhinocerosdeep pool canyon landscape. you looked that, from the rhinoceros waistdownward, is together connected falls together the water, is in turnrhinoceros deep pool, three beaches, horse's hoof beach, oil fish welland so on. in this a succession of beach deep pool, is the headnaturally is the rhinoceros deep pool, its deep 17.7 meters,frequently for splash the bead cover, the fog bead submerge. so longas has the sunlight, the waterfall splashes on the bead frequently tohang seven colors riotous rainbows, moves along with the person,unpredictable.

why can the yellow fruit tree waterfall like this? this is because theyellow fruit tree waterfall is situated at the karst area, is createsby the fluent corrosive nature. upstream when traces to the source thecorrosion crackspot arrives, the river water along the karst crevassewashes out, dissolveseclipse, flushes the eclipse, the abrasion, the pipelinegradually e_pands, forms does not fall the hole and the buried river;after the surface river pours into falls the water-dunnel the watervolume proportion gradually to increase, has formed the karst areaunique raidsseizes, pours into in the open jet falls the water-dunnelplace, forms falls the water-dunnel type waterfall. flushes theeclipse and the strategy avalanche function along with the current ofwater unceasingly intensifies, the underground river cavern is moreand more big, thereupon dryvalley grew along the surface has had thestring distribution the shaft and the roof louvre window, theyunceasingly e_panded, the combination, broke down collapses, hascreated the nowadays grand magnificent sight yellow fruit tree bigwaterfall and the waterfall downriver sincere precipitous canyon.

i hoped you lift your photographic camera, pats down the yellow fruittree waterfall, keeps in your memory, propagandizes for more people,because, the yellow fruit tree waterfall is china, simultaneously alsobelongs to the world.

第6篇 英語導游詞


in the year 1893, james hilton described an eternally peaceful and quiet place among mountains in the east—— "shangri-la" in one of his novels for the first time. in the novel "lost horizon", an english diplomat conway and his brother gorge scattered the english citizens and helped them leave the dangerous

region. on their way home, their plane was hijacked and fell down into the mountain in the tibetan region. some lucky survivors were taken to shangri-la where conway found lots of fantastic things in such a state founded nearly 200 years ago, in which the local people lived up to more than one hundred years old and lived peacefully and

harmoniously with the other people, animals and everything here. the place was called "shangri-la" by the local folks.

james hilton located "shangri-la" in a mysterious valley which was surrounded by snowcapped mountains; near where there were snow-clad peaks, blue lakes, broad grassy marshlands, and lamaseries, buddhist nunneries, mosques, catholic church, the human beings and the nature were in perfect harmony, severa

l religions and varies of nationalities e_ited at the same time; the temples looked splendid in green and golden; though people contacted the outer world by caravan for a long time, many foreign e_perts and scholars had come here to investigate and remained much relics……

obviously, that is not only a beautiful scenery, but also a kind of artistic conception.

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with the novel and the film coming out, shangri-la became very famous in western countries. later, a chinese named guo huonian used the name of this place and set up "shangri-la" hotel group which has become one of the most successful hotel group in the world.

at the same time, people didn’t give up looking for the legendary shangri-la. up to the end of this century, they finally have found——

after inspecting and proving on many aspects, people found that diqing prefecture, the only tibetan region in yunnan, china, has striking similarity with what’s described in the tale regarding either on natural scenery or people’s way of living. therefore, the name of "diqing?ǎshangri-la" spreads worldwide.

第7篇 英語導游詞


welcome to bijia mountain, jinzhou.

bijia mountain is located in bijia mountain scenic spot in jinzhou bay ofbohai sea. it is a national 4a scenic spot. the magical bijiashan overpass is awonder in the world.

bijiashan is an island, geomorphologically known as luliandao. bijiashanisland is 1120 meters long from north to south, 220 meters wide from east towest, and 78.3 meters above sea level.

in bijia mountain scenic spot, there are a series of beautiful myths andlegends, such as "pangu opens the sky, bijia becomes a mountain", and "fairymakes a bridge", which add mysterious color to bijia mountain and overpass.

front gate

the main gate of bijiashan scenic spot, also known as haimen, is designedby tsinghua university. on the south side is a rainbow arched gantry,symbolizing the "overpass"; on the north side are two golden keys, implying thatthe golden key opens the gate of the scenic spot, allowing tourists to cross theoverpass and climb to the mysterious bijiashan island.


this statue of "fairy bridge" comes from the myth of "fairy bridge". it issaid that there are two nine fairies in the heavenly palace. in order tofacilitate the people on the shore of bijia mountain to collect medicine, theysecretly descend from the heavenly palace, throwing countless pearls between thecoast and bijia mountain, creating today's tianqiao.

the natural island connecting sand and stone dam formed by the impact oftides and waves is called "overpass". bijiashan sea overpass is about 1620meters long, 9 meters wide on average, and about 1.48 meters higher than thebeach. with the tide rising and falling, the overpass is like a meanderingdragon. at high tide, the sea water with waves constantly attack the overpassfrom both sides, and the overpass slowly sneaks into the sea like a meanderingdragon, forming a vast ocean. at ebb tide, the sea water slowly recedes to bothsides. bijiashan overpass is like a dragon hidden in the sea. it gradually risesout of the sea. visitors can wade in the sea, step on the waves, and walk upbijiashan island.

bijiashan seaside tide is a typical and regular "half day tide", whichfluctuates twice in 24 hours, which makes bijiashan sea overpass the mostunique. in the world, there is another natural overpass, the "zhendao overpass"in south korea. however, the "zhendao overpass" in south korea is only exposedto the sea for three or five hours twice a year. bijiashan overpass in jinzhouis really the only natural wonder of sand and stone dam in lulian island exposedtwice a day in the world.

you see, the island of bijiashan in front of us is just like a pillar ofbijiashan, with three peaks in the sky. it's really amazing that the islandstands alone in the sea.

the view of real person

built in 1939 by the disciples of zhu jiezhen, the founder of bijiashanmountain, this view of human beings was built to commemorate the ascent of zhujiezhen, the taoist priest of yuqing. the view of human beings contains zhujiezhen's real body.

lu zuting

built in 1938, the statue of lu zuting on the first floor is the twoimmortals in the legend of "eight immortals crossing the sea". it is zhongli ofhan dynasty in the east and lv dongbin in the west. the second layer isdedicated to taiyi salvation god, also known as shifang salvation god. the flatplace to the south of lu zuting used to be the garrison of ming dynasty. duringthe song jin war of the ming and qing dynasties, huang taiji sent people toseize the grain and grass stored up by the ming army, which led to a greatdefeat of the ming army.

pangu kaitian square

you can see the sculptures of pangu's two giant axes. it is said that bijiamountain was the foothold of pangu's creation. on the base of the sculpture iscarved the myth of "pangu opens the sky, the penholder becomes a mountain". itis said that pangu broke off two small pieces of wood from the handle of his axeand threw them into the sea. in a short time, two small islands, big and small,appeared. pangu stepped on them and collapsed the two high islands into amountainside. later generations called them big and small bijia mountains.

sanqing pavilion

the sanqing pavilion in front is 6 stories high, with a total height of26.2 meters. it is the largest all stone structure building in china. there isno nail or wood on the 6 stories. it is the largest all stone structure buildingin china's architectural history.

the white jade statues and reliefs in sanqing pavilion are originated fromtaoism, buddhism, confucianism and many gods worshipped by chinese people. evenmany immortals in the classic novel fengshenbang are worshipped here.

the third floor is dedicated to confucius. the fourth floor is dedicated tothe emperor of the qing dynasty. on the fifth floor, the highest god of taoism,sanqing, is worshipped. facing the west, the emperor of yuqing yuanshi sits.facing the east, the emperor of lingbao sits. facing the south, the emperor oftaiqing morality sits. in addition to the "sanqing", facing north is the taoistcihang (guanyin in buddhism).

the highest level of sanqing pavilion is dedicated to pangu, the god ofcreation in ancient chinese legend. it is the only maritime statue of pangu inchina. the statue of pangu in sanqingge has an auspicious bird on its crown, thesun in its left eye, the moon in its right eye, five little dragons in its ears,two nostrils and mouth, and a galloping dragon under its seat. the tray isancient on the fairy island in the surging bohai sea. it is really a majesticand earth opening god.

this is the end of today's tour. i hope you have a good time. next time wewill visit bijia mountain to appreciate the magic charm of the overpass.

第8篇 英語導游詞


tongli is located on the bank of taihu lake and east of the ancient canal.it is surrounded by eight lakes (tongli, jiuli, chenghu, muzhuang, baiyan, yeze,nanxing and pangshanhu). it is 80 km away from shanghai hongqiao airport in theeast, 318 national highway in the south, sujia expressway in the west and 18 kmaway from suzhou in the north. in october of the year, tongli and tuncun townsmerged into tongli town, with a total area of 102.91 square kilometers and atotal population of 58000. tongli town has 12 administrative villages, 1 aquaticfarm and 6 community neighborhood committees. the total length of city river intongli town is 5.14 km, covering an area of 9.37 hectares, with an average of13.9 square meters per citizen; the total length of stone revetment is 6.04 km,with 54600 square meters of residential buildings near water, accounting for36.9% of the total construction area of residential buildings.

tongli, formerly known as "futu", was changed to "tongli" in the early tangdynasty due to its extravagant name. in the song dynasty, the old name "futu"was overlapped with the word "tongli", which is still used today. tongli ancienttown has beautiful scenery, surrounded by water on all sides. it is inlaid intongli, jiuli, yeze, nanxing and pangshan lakes. the town is divided into sevensmall islands by 15 rivers in the shape of sichuan, and 49 ancient bridgesconnect the small islands as a whole. the building is built according to thewater and is famous for "small bridge, flowing water and family". it is the mostcomplete water town in jiangsu province. it is also a key cultural relicprotection unit in jiangsu province. it has been listed as one of the thirteenscenic spots in taihu lake.

the ancient town was opened to the outside world in 1986 and was listed asone of the first batch of famous historical and cultural towns in jiangsuprovince by the provincial government in 1995. tongli, a beautiful and simpletown, is known as "the little venice of the east". tongli is characterized bymany buildings in ming and qing dynasties, many bridges in water towns, and manycelebrities. there are 38 gardens and houses of ming and qing dynasties, 47temples and ancestral halls, hundreds of gentry houses and former residences ofcelebrities. there are more than 20 natural landscapes in the ancient town, suchas "eight sceneries before", "eight sceneries after" and "four sceneries after".today, there are still many sceneries, such as "moon in dongxi", "xiaoyan innanshi", "spring in beishan", "fishing flute in shuicun" and "lancui inchangshan".

tongli people have been diligent and hardworking for generations,knowledgeable and reasonable, well-developed in education and rich in talents.from 1247 a.d. to the end of qing dynasty, tongli had one number one scholar, 42jinshi and 93 wenwuju. ancient famous li people include ye yin, xu chunfu, modan, zou yi, liang shi, he yuan, ji cheng, wang chong, zhu heling, shen guifen,lu lianfu, yuan long, chen yizhen, gu wuzhen, huang zengkang, huang zenglu, renyu, etc. since modern times, famous li people have been chen qubing, jinsongcen, yan baoli, fei gong, wang shaofan, lan gongwu, feng xinde, yang tianji,fei yifu, liu ruli, fan yanqiao, jin guobao, shen shanjiong, feng yingzi, etc.ni zan, gu ying, han yi, yao guangxiao, dong qichang, shu dansheng, shen deqianand others also lived in tongli. it is such a person that can create such aprofound culture.

at present, tuisiyuan in tongli town has been listed as a world culturalheritage, and the ancient town tongli is also applying for the world culturalheritage. with the strengthening of publicity, the ancient town is known andfamiliar by more and more people. the major newspapers in china, the unitedstates, hong kong and other places all introduce tongli in the form of picturesand texts. the film and television crew also frequently take pictures of tongli,which is a natural studio known at home and abroad, the china film associationhas also set up "china tongli film and television production base" here.

tongli, in the process of development, has become a typical "land of fishand rice" in the south of the yangtze river with its traditional ricecultivation and aquatic products breeding. with the pace of reform and openingup, tongli town's national economy, small town construction, science, education,culture and health and other social undertakings have been developed at the sametime. the people's living standards are improving day by day, and thecomprehensive strength of the whole town is significantly enhanced.

tongli was built in song dynasty and has a history of more than 1000 years.it is the earliest ancient town in jiangsu province (1982) and the only one thattakes the whole town as a cultural relic protection unit. in 1995, it was listedas one of the first batch of famous historical and cultural towns in jiangsuprovince. at present, it is actively applying for inclusion in the "worldcultural heritage list". tongli is absolutely a rare "rich land" in the south ofthe yangtze river.

historically, tongli town was really called "rich soil". but the name of"fu tu" is too ostentatious, so the word "fu" does not stand out, a little bitis removed, and then the word is divided into two parts, the upper part is"tong", the lower part of "tian" and "tu" are added together to become "li", thename of tongli comes from this. according to the records of tongli annals injiaqing period of qing dynasty, tongli was changed from bronze in early tangdynasty to tongli in song dynasty. the old name of fu tu is too extravagant forits name, which means that "tian jia tu is tongli". there is another folkloreabout changing futu to tongli. it is said that a long time ago, many people camehere to reclaim wasteland. due to hard work and favorable weather, the productsare abundant and people live and work in peace and contentment, so it is called"rich soil". one year, there was a drought in the north and a flood in thesouth. in many places, there was a crop failure and they were unable to deliver"imperial grain". therefore, the emperor decreed that the rich people injiangnan would pay three extra dues of grain, which would be paid within tendays. the rich people are very anxious when they get the news. he asked ascholar surnamed jin in the town at that time, and jin xiucai made sucharrangements.

in the twinkling of an eye, the ten day deadline has arrived, and theimperial envoy of grain collection arrived at futu by boat. jin xiucai led allthe villagers to kneel down on the shore to meet him. as soon as the imperialenvoy came ashore, he urged him to pay more imperial grain. jin xiucai calmlyreplied, "this year, the harvest has been greatly reduced, so it's hard to payfor it.". "don't talk nonsense! rich soil is rich land, how can there be nofood? if it's not as good as turning in the money, we must comply with the orderand impose heavy penalties. " jin xiucai is neither humble nor overbearing, andexplains with a smile: "please listen to me, my lord. this place was originallycalled "tongli", not "fuji". please be aware of it. " after hearing this, theimperial envoy was puzzled. he walked around the street and found that all hesaw were "tongli", but there was no trace of "rich soil", so he had to give up.which tourist can guess what arrangement jin xiucai made? it turned out that jinxiucai took care of all the villagers and used the method of word splitting tosplit the word "fu" into two parts. when he went up a little bit, he broke downthe fields and connected the land, which became the word "tongli". at that time,the writing habit was different from today. it was vertical writing, so it savedthe day from the disaster. tongli, tongli, tongli, tongli, tongli, tongli,tongli, tongli, tongli, tongli, tongli, tongli, tongli, tongli, tongli, tongli,tongli, tongli, tongli, tongli, tongli, tongli, tongli, tongli, tongli,tong.

tongli town has "three more", more celebrities, more ming and qingbuildings, more water and more bridges.

1. there are many celebrities. from the song dynasty to the end of the qingdynasty, there were one number one scholar, 42 jinshi and 93 wenwu juren. thefamous figures in tongli town include ye yin, a poet of the southern songdynasty, wang chong, a painter of the ming dynasty, shen guifen, a militaryaircraft minister of the qing dynasty, lu lianfu, a calligrapher and painter,chen qubing, a famous figure in the 1911 revolution, jin songqin, a famouseducator, fan yanqiao, a writer, wang shaofen, chairman of the china associationfor the promotion of democracy, and jin guobao, a famous economist.

2. there were many buildings in ming and qing dynasties. according to theannals of the town, from 1271 to 1911, 38 houses and 47 temples, temples andbuildings were built in the town.

3. there are many rivers and bridges. there are 49 ancient bridges indifferent dynasties, siben bridge built by ye yin, a poet of southern songdynasty, and gaoguan bridge in yuan dynasty.

according to the records of tongli, the environment of the five lakes isoutside, and one town is inside. every family in the town is near the water andevery family is connected by boat. the most famous garden in the town is tuisigarden, with an area of 10 mu and 8 fen, small and exquisite. it ischaracterized by residential buildings in the south of the yangtze river, whichare combined with residential and garden. such as tuisiyuan, chongben hall,jiayin hall, etc.

tongli is a veritable land of fish and rice in the south of the yangtzeriver. due to the large number of danghe harbor, there is an inexhaustiblevariety of aquatic products. rich in fish and shrimp, the more precious aretaihu silverfish, whitefish, mandarin fish, eel, eel, turtle, perch and channa,as well as black carp, grass carp, bighead carp, silver carp, bream, carp andcrucian carp. in addition to fish, shrimp, mussels and other aquatic products,tongli has a wide range of aquatic plants, mainly including water bamboo,celery, water shield, euryale ferox, water chestnut, water chestnut, taro,arrowhead, etc. some can be served on the table, some are seasonal supplements,and some are seasonal fruits. among them, qianshi (commonly known as chickenhead meat) is known as "ginseng in water", which is the best local specialty intongli. because of the water, tongli people have a stronger habit of drinkingtea than other ancient towns. before the anti japanese war, there were more than20 teahouses in tongli. for the convenience of getting water, they weregenerally built along the river. after alum precipitation, the river can maketea.

in history, the landscape architecture of tongli was connected with water,which formed an indissoluble bond with water. ye yin, a poet of the songdynasty, is called "shuizhu villa bieye". there are ten sceneries in the garden,such as "qushui liuqi", "zhufeng shuiyue" and "cliff cold pool", all of whichare connected with water. in the yuan dynasty, ye zhenzong lived in the "watergarden" in tongli, which is located on the bank of tongli lake. in the mingdynasty, there was a "lake forest industry" in tongli, which was the firstgarden of ren xiuzhi, located on the bank of pangshan lake. in the qing dynasty,there was a famous garden named "tuisi garden". professor chen congzhou oftongji university pointed out that renshi tuisi garden had a unique way injiangnan gardens. it was a special case of the garden. mountains, pavilions,pavilions, corridors, pavilions and pavilions were all close to the water, andthe garden was like water. professor chen congzhou also spoke highly of tongli'swater: "tongli is named after water, and there is no tongli without water."next, let's go to visit this millennium old town together!

ladies and gentlemen, the archway you see in front of you is a ming stylebuilding. it is a representative of many ming and qing architectures in tongliancient town. mr. fei xiaotong, former vice chairman of the standing committeeof the national people's congress, inscribed "a famous historical and culturaltown in china".

after passing sanyuan bridge, we enter tongli ancient town, which has ahistory of more than 1000 years. today, i'd like to tell you about the onegarden, two halls and three bridges in tongli. please follow me to find thecharm of "small bridge, flowing water and other people" in jiangnan. the layoutof tongli ancient town is different, with a network of rivers and bridges. thestreets and dwellings are built by water, and there are a lot of deep houses andgardens. therefore, in 1982, it was fortunate to become a cultural relicsprotection town in jiangsu province.

now, we have come to what mr. yu qiuyu called the most satisfying andattractive place in chinese classical gardens. this is tuisi garden, which islisted as the supplementary list of suzhou classical gardens as the worldcultural heritage.

tuisiyuan was built in 1885-1887. lan sheng, the director of the garden,was born in 1838. at the age of 26, he went to anhui province to join thegovernor qiao songnian and worked in the former enemy battalion office. due tohis meritorious service in the war, he successively served as a registered salttransportation history officer, alternate minister of dao, and concurrently heldthe posts of huaibei pingli bureau and fengyang chaoguan. in 1879, he wasappointed fengying to prepare roads, build city walls, manage post roads, buildbridges, set up boat ponds, set up baby rearing halls and smoking cessationbureaus. the comprehensive treatment has achieved remarkable results. in 1885,because of the ineffective suppression of the nien army, he was dismissed andreturned to his hometown. taking zuozhuan as an example, we built tuisiyuan.

tuisi garden covers an area of 9 mu and 8 fen. due to the limited terrain,it can not be developed from south to north in depth. therefore, under theingenious design of an outstanding artist named yuan long in this town, tuisigarden has constructed a new format of left house, atrium and right garden fromwest to east.

house is divided into inner house and outer house, outer house has sedanhall, tea hall and main hall. we are now in the tea hall. when we entered thegarden just now, we passed the sedan hall. the sedan chair hall and tea hall areused to stop the sedan chair and receive ordinary guests. if there is a wedding,ancestor worship ceremony or a vip visit, the owner of the garden will open themain hall door to show solemnity. all of you are distinguished guests of tonglipeople. please enter through the main hall gate. it can be seen from thefurnishings in the hall that the reception standard of the main hall issignificantly higher than that of the tea hall. usually when the main hall dooris closed, you can only get in and out from the escort lane.

now let's visit the inner house. the inner house is the living place forthe owner and his family. ren lansheng, the owner of the garden, has been livingin anhui for a long time, so he has built a big zoumalou with huizhoucharacteristics, so that you can see the rare buildings in the south of theyangtze river. so why build two stairs? the galleries on both sides of thebuilding not only shade from the sun, wind, rain and snow, but also make itconvenient for the master and servant to give way when they go upstairs anddownstairs.

look at these two doors of the same age as tuisiyuan. the wood inside andthe brick outside the gate seem to be heavy, but in fact, they are not small.can anyone guess what it does? brick wood structure, green brick can preventfire, and the door can prevent theft after being bolted. now we come to the endof the house, the atrium of the garden.

the atrium design centers on "hospitality". the dry boat, which isconnected with the leaky window, is like a passenger ship that has just landed,carrying guests from afar to the warm host's home. on the right side is magnoliagrandiflora planted by lan sheng, the director of the garden. on the left sideis magnolia grandiflora, which was transplanted during the restoration of tuisigarden. magnolia is a plant that blooms earlier in spring, so it symbolizesspring scenery. so why plant magnolia instead of peach or other tree speciesthat bloom in spring? first, the name of the garden owner is lansheng. since heis lansheng, he can't live without "lansheng". second, magnolia means "gold andjade", and the fragrance of magnolia means "gold and jade". if the relatives andfriends who come from afar have to spend many days in the moon watching tower inspring, they can not only watch the moon all the year round and sing poems, butalso walk on the moon in front of the tower to enjoy the flowers and trees, sothat the guests will not feel that they are living in a foreign land. it is aplace for the master to enjoy tea and poetry with his confidant in the wind andsnow. because the owner of the garden was dismissed and returned to his hometownto build the garden, his years of official career was destroyed. fortunately,with the help of his friends zuo zongtang and peng yulin, cixi didn't kill him.therefore, the host himself and zuo, peng two people as the three friends.through the flower window, you can see the quiet wintersweet, the resolute pineand the beautiful bamboo. the natural picture of "three friends in cold and oldyears" promotes the taste of the subject and the object.

the atrium and the right garden are connected by the moon cave gate of"leisure buildings, clouds and smoke lock the moon". in the garden, there are"nine winding corridors" with winding paths leading to seclusion. you can roamamong them with different scenery.

although tuisi garden occupies only 9.8 mu of land, it has all kinds ofpavilions and pavilions, galleries, bridges, pavilions, halls, rooms, andpavilions. the scale of the building is appropriate, and the layout of flowers,trees, water and stones is appropriate. it is small, exquisite and simple. withthe pool as the center, all kinds of buildings are close to the water surface,such as floating on the water. it is praised as "water garden" by contemporarygarden scholar and professor chen congzhou of shanghai tongji university.

tuisi thatched cottage is the main scenery of the whole garden. it issimple, elegant and steady, reflecting the identity of the master. in tuisithatched cottage, there is a tablet extension of gui qu lai ci written by zhaomengfu, a calligrapher and painter of yuan dynasty. the original tablet andtaicang mo miao pavilion were destroyed at the same time, so the tabletextension is more and more precious. in front of the hall, a long scroll oflandscape painting is unfolding slowly.

please have a look! a boat carrying a red boat out of the lake rocks ishalf soaked in blue water. the water swirls through the holes of the lake rocks,and the sound of gurgling is heard all the time. standing at the bow of theboat, people can walk like a boat because of the waves, and the boat can movebecause of the fish swimming. what's more, the clouds are reflected andfloating. it's like a boat sailing. it's very interesting.

on the other side of the river, the overpass is connected with xintai. theoverpass is a bridge on the top and a corridor on the bottom. it simulates thecompound road building of afang palace in the qin dynasty. born across the sky,flying over the top of the mountain, connecting ziyu shengliang pavilion withxintai as a whole, climbing up the stone path along the mountain cave, climbingthe overpass, making people suddenly enlightened. when the top ten scenic spotsin china were selected in 1985, experts first put forward that the overpassrepresents the masterpiece of suzhou classical gardens. at the end of thegallery of the overpass building, there is xintai, which is "walking to the endof the bridge seems to have no road, and suddenly connecting with themountain.". xintai should be a place of study. at that time, the master of thekindergarten painstakingly taught his children to study. although he may not be"hanging his head on the beam and pricking his teeth", he once paid the price of"breaking three roots in order to find a good sentence". as a result, renchuanxin, the son of ren lansheng, followed the revolution and advocatededucation to save the country. when he was 20 years old (1906), he tooktuisiyuan as the school building and invested a lot of money to hire famousteachers to establish a private lize women's school. among the teachers employedare qian jibo (the father of qian zhongshu), the calligrapher qian zuyi, fanyanqiao, ren chuanhe and gu naifu. it started the trend of women's education inmodern china.

to the east of the thatched cottage, there is a sanqu bridge lying on thewater,

第9篇 英語導游詞


dear tourists, welcome to visit the shuidonggou ancient human culturalsite. shuidonggou site is located in shuidonggou village, linhe town, lingwucity, ningxia. it is 30 kilometers away from lingwu city in the south, 19kilometers away from yinchuan city in the west, 11 kilometers away from hedongairport, and connected with ejian banner of inner mongolia in the north,covering an area of 7.8 square kilometers. scientific research found thatshuidonggou area is the holy land of human reproduction 30000 years ago. in1923, french paleontologists de rijin and sang zhihua discovered a prehistoriccultural site here. through excavation, a large number of stone tools and animalfossils were unearthed. therefore, shuidonggou became the earliest paleolithiccultural site in china, known as "the birthplace of chinese prehistoricarchaeology" and "the historical witness of cultural exchanges between china andthe west". in 1988, it was listed as a national key cultural relics protectionunit, and in 20__, it was rated as aaaaa tourist attraction by the nationaltourism administration.

dear tourists, shuidonggou site records the historical witness of ancienthuman reproduction and struggle with nature, and contains rich and preciousprehistoric materials. it is the only paleolithic site officially excavated inthe yellow river area in china so far. over the past 80 years, through sixarchaeological excavations, more than 30000 stone tools and 67 fossil animalshave been unearthed in shuidonggou. among them, some stone products, tools andstone making and repairing techniques, which form the basis of shuidonggouculture, can be compared with the stone tools of moste and orina periods ineurope, west asia and north africa. in particular, a large number of lewalowastone cores unearthed are close to the shape of orina culture, which is quiteancient in europe. for this phenomenon of distant distance and culturalsimilarity, foreign famous archaeologists believe that it is "the assimilationeffect of human long-distance migration". the culture represented by shuidonggousite plays an important role in the study of the origin of regional stonetechnology tradition, the excavation and variation of ancient culture, and themigration, diffusion and exchange of late renewal human beings in northeastasia. it is of great significance to the comparative study of eastern andwestern cultures more than 30000 years ago.

dear tourists, shuidonggou area is also a grand view garden of militarydefense buildings in northern china, such as the ming dynasty great wall,beacon, castle, gully, pier, etc. in the nature reserve, the great wall windingeastward, the mound and hough towering on the high platform, the simple andmysterious castle, and the winding and deep ditch make people dizzy. it makespeople think of the heroic scene of "the first soldiers holding spears to fightagainst the base, and the general pulling out swords to chase hu soldiers".shuidonggou is located in the southern margin of ordos platform. the yadanlandform created by nature makes it full of powerful and peculiar charm ofbarren valley. after tens of millions of years of wind and sand carving anderosion, there are more than 20 unique native forest landscapes, such as ghostcity, wotuoling, motianya, duanyungu, tamarix valley, etc., which make peoplemarvel at the sight and sigh at the end of time. after more than two years ofdevelopment and construction, shuidonggou tourist area has become a tourist areaintegrating tourism, scientific investigation, leisure and entertainment, andmilitary exploration. with the opening of shuidonggou site museum, shuidonggouscenic area has added new highlights.

dear tourist friends, now we come to the most mysterious tibetan soldiercave in shuidonggou. now we see a black hole on the cliff, which is the famoustibetan soldier cave. the so-called tibetan soldier cave is a tunnel where thegarrison of hongshanbao turns from the ground to the ground, conceals the army,protects itself, waits for an opportunity to attack, or sets up an ambush in anopen place. this is the only and most complete ancient three-dimensionalmilitary defense system in china. in the defense system of the great wall of ourcountry, the great wall, the castle and the underground hiding soldier cave areclosely linked, but they are not in the whole country. this is the onlyplace.

the tibetans cave, now in front of you, is the earliest tunnel warfare siteand prototype in china. if we can say that the tunnel warfare between the eighthroute army and the guerrillas during the anti japanese war can make the enemyscared, we can imagine that more than 500 years ago, the frontier garrison ofthe ming dynasty blocked the invaders out of the great wall with the same wisdomand courage. in the past, due to the lack of development, there was no conditionto enter the cave for sightseeing. people only know that the road of zangbingcave is like a labyrinth. in addition, the cave roof collapses, many places arecovered by soil, there are traps in the cave, and there may be snakes andscorpions. therefore, people dare not go far into the cave. no one can tellexactly what is inside the cave. in this way, the cave becomes a very mysteriousplace for people to fear.

now, we can safely go in and have a good look, but you must follow me andfollow the route guided by the signs to prevent you from getting lost and unableto get out.

we should be extra careful and pay attention to safety!

dear tourists, now we come to shuidonggou ruins museum. the museum, with aconstruction area of 4308 square meters and a shape similar to the stone toolsunearthed from shuidonggou, is the only theme museum in northwest china todisplay the cultural features of the paleolithic age. on the basis of thevisiting function of traditional museums, it integrates artistic, literary andhigh-tech elements. with 270 degree super large halfview, real scene, phantomimaging and other display forms, combined with the application of the world'smost advanced sound, light, electricity, adjustable seismic platform and othertechnologies, it truly reproduces the happy fishing and hunting life of ancientpeople 30000 years ago, the production scene of making stone tools, and theheart shaking disaster scenes such as rainstorm, flood, landslides, etc., withbeautiful and realistic images the artistic conception makes tourists quicklyintegrate into the 30000 year life scene. 30000 years is a long time, but inshuidonggou museum, time is no longer a distance. high technology allows you totravel 30000 years in an instant. it creates a new form of museum exhibition inchina, and is the only and largest indoor audience's interactive experiencepavilion in china.

第10篇 英語導游詞


dujiangyan is located in the town of dujiangyan irrigation mouth chengdu city, sichuan province, is china construction in the ancient and use of large water conservancy project, known as "the ancestor of the world water conservancy culture", is the national famous tourist resort. usually think, dujiangyan water conservancy project is by the state of qin shu satrap bing and his son leads to built around 256 bc, is so far, all over the world s most long, the only thing left, is characterized by no dam diversion of water conservancy project, is also a national key cultural relics protection units.

scenic spot dujiangyan water conservancy project makes full use of local geographical conditions of high northwest, southeast low, according to the mountain rivers in special terrain, water vein, water potential, return pattern, no dam diversion, gravity irrigation, the embankment, water, water, sand, curtains on interdependence, for system, to ensure the water flood control, irrigation, water transportation and social comprehensive benefits into full play. after the completion of dujiangyan, the chengdu plain lies thousands of miles, "province.with from people, do not know famine, when no famine," tianfu ". culture has a great development of the economy in sichuan province. its greatest dam was built two thousand years enduring, and it plays a more and more big. dujiangyan to create, in order to does not destroy the natural resources, make full use of natural resources for human services for the premise, change for profit. hub of dujiangyan irrigation system is mainly composed of fish mouth, fly sand dam, baopingkou three major projects. all organic coordination and restraining each other, coordinated operation, water diversion irrigation fields, the flood disaster reduction, with the effect of "hexagon, flat flow drought". the best travel time dujiangyan annual temperature is higher, annual average temperature 12 ~ 20 ℃, in hot summer and warm winter, the four seasons is not obvious, the four seasons are suitable for tourism.

history and culture of dujiangyan to create, not to destroy the natural resources, make full use of natural resources for human services for the premise, change for profit, make the person highly synergistic, land, water, the world has so far only a great "ecological engineering". ushered in a new era in the history of chinese ancient history of water conservancy, marked the history of water conservancy in china has entered a new stage, wrote a glorious chapter in the history of water conservancy. the dujiangyan irrigation project, is the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient people in china, is an epoch-making masterpiece of chinese culture. the dujiangyan irrigation project. long after 2260 years, the world's very long time, the only thing left, is characterized by no dam diversion of water conservancy project. it is the most successful in the history of chinese ancient water conservancy works, especially the ancient water conservancy project in use today, "the past", only the wonders. with the construction of roughly the same time than the irrigation system, the family of ancient egypt and cuba and china's shaanxi zhengguo canal and guangxi, the efficacious canal and the passage of time, because of the sea change or annihilation, or failure, only the town of dujiangyan, with the construction of long standing and well established, fertile land, white still moistens land of abundance.

by the dujiangyan with a strong local color of dujiangyan water culture including hydrology, water, water theology relics, such as "two kings temple", "fulong view" and "viewing" in cultural landscape; bing of the eastern han dynasty unearthed stone mining and rebuilding fish mouth "shown" stone carving; sing psalms to bing and his son dragon harnessing of folklore and has certain religious theology color ritual activities; and the resulting offering water, offering god, offering people the poem, ci, calligraphy and painting of hydrology and so on, forming the unique dujiangyan water culture. dujiangyan, a stone tablet, engraved with "deep pan beach, low weir" words.


Everybody is good! Welcome to the mogao grottoes of dunhuang. I#39ll give you a introduce myself: my name is Wang Yi, to you is my pleasure, I#39m here to give you reminder, the treasure here do not touch, otherwise the consequence is proud. We now


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  • 英語作文導游詞80人關(guān)注

    Everybody is good! Welcome to the Palace Museum, I#39m glad to serve you, I am the guide from this journey all Korean an inscription, everyone call me ...[更多]

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  • 英語導游詞38人關(guān)注

    Everybody is good! Welcome to the mogao grottoes of dunhuang. I#39ll give you a introduce myself: my name is Wang Yi, to you is my pleasure, I#39m her ...[更多]
